Feminine Size

Size 4 Size 6 Size 8 Size 10 Size 12 Size 14 Size 16 Size 18 Size 20
Body length (clavicle to base of crotch) 57-60 59-62 61-64 63-66 65-68 67-70 69-72 71-74 73-76
(across bust)
74-80 79-85 84-90 89-95 94-100 99-105 104-110 109-115 114-120
Waist 58-64 63-69 68-74 73-79 78-84 83-89 88-94 93-99 98-104
Hips 80-86 85-91 90-96 95-101 100-106 105-111 110-116 115-121 120-126
Sleeve length (shoulder to wrist) 58-61 60-63 62-65 64-67 66-69 68-71 70-73 72-75 74-77
Neck 25-28 26-29 28-31 30-33 31-34 32-35 33-37 34-41 36-45
Inseam 62-70 66-72 70-79 74-80 76-81 76-83 78-85 79-86 79-88


*All measurements in centimetres (cm).